Secto Forums logo.JPG
Launched in 2020, our Sector Forums provide an opportunity for members to network, share best practice, discuss the challenges, trends, opportunities, and the latest news within the UK Legal, External Storage, Security, Technology & Innovation, and Women in Business sectors.

Meeting both in person and/or online around 2 or 3 times per year, each forum is led by a nominated chair who will oversee the group's activities and disseminate information gathered to the SSA UK and its members. Chairs are chosen based on their knowledge and expertise.  

Access to the sector forums is complimentary to SSA UK and FEDESSA members. 

UK Legal

The Legal Sector Forum aims to:

  • Keep members abreast of updated or new legislation relevant to the self storage sector
  • Help develop future changes to the MAP and standard agreements
  • Improve the legal knowledge base of SSA UK members
  • Share members’ experiences and outcomes of legal issues
  • Share best practices on managing legal issues within stores

The Security Sector Forum will serve as a platform for members to:

  • Discuss security due diligence
  • Raise awareness of Cyber Security
  • Provide opportunities to discuss and tackle issues/challenges
  • Consider risk and compliance
  • Evaluate new technology in security
  • Work with the police and other government bodies as appropriate to improve industry security and deal with potential threats to the industry
External Storage

This Sector Forum connects external storage and container operator members who will work together to:

  • Promote external and container storage
  • Drive improvements and innovation
  • Share effective best practices
  • Provide opportunities to discuss and tackle challenges or issues
  • Encourage sector networking
  • Provide mutual support to new external storage and container operators
  • Suggest any changes to the industry standard for external storage and container operators
Technology & Innovation 

The Technology & Innovation Sector Forum will:

  • Evaluate and discuss new technologies in the industry
  • Provide a working group for suppliers to discuss and test new technology
  • Look outside the industry to technology that could impact self storage
  • Share experiences in adopting new technology in the industry
Women in Business

The Women in Business Sector Forum aims to:

  • Share members experience of women within the industry
  • Increase awareness of women leaders within the self storage industry
  • Improve workplace culture and wellness for women 
  • Increase confidence and self-esteem of women within our businesses 
  • Encourage and motivate more women to join our industry
  • Inspire career development of women within the self storage sector
  • Celebrate being women and increase our happiness

This Sector Forum is a place to discuss all things digital in self storage and we will be discussing a range of topics during the meetings including:

  • Trends in digital marketing
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data analysis
  • Pricing algorithms
  • Chatbots and more…

Just for Supplier members, these meetings will discuss:

  • Communications to/from suppliers and the SSA UK
  • Sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities
  • Operator Engagement at Regional Members' Networking Dinners, Breakfast/Lunch Meetings, and how to encourage more engagement from operators
  • The YSN and how to get involved
  • UNLOCKED advertising and articles
  • Supplier Summits and content
  • Feedback
  • Ideas for future promotion
  • Satisfaction levels

Please visit the Sector Forum pages under Events for upcoming dates for all our Sector Forums.