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Getting new customers and sales enquiries your biggest challenge? it doesn’t have to be. You could be having new customer enquiries on tap to your business. That’s what YBA PPC deliver to their clients to help them significantly grow their business. They look after their Google Ads and Facebook Ads so it’s working like a machine and spitting out new clients. Like clockwork! What matters isn’t the countless awards they’ve won, or that they speak at conferences across the globe or even that they’re in the top 3% of agencies for Google. What matters is the results they get for clients and generating many happy long-standing clients enjoying superb business growth. You, as an SSA member, are invited to a free 30 mins strategy session to see if you’re getting all the new customers they should through Google and Facebook Ads. Simply email [email protected] and in the email subject quote: ‘30 mins free SSA strategy session please!’