
01908 829300

MoverAlerts has been generating leads for the storage sector for over 10 years. We assist companies in optimising their marketing budget by directing their efforts toward homeowners, homemovers, renters and renovators. We provide quality leads backed by TwentyCi's trusted dataset that spans 99.6% of all residential property moves. Combine our lead generation service with our direct mail and mobile advertising campaigns, to get your message out there and save you time and money.

We provide address data that can be segmented by postcode, property size and value for:

  • Renters
  • Properties for sale
  • Properties marked as SSTC (also at 3, 6, 10 weeks)
  • Fallen Through and Withdrawn properties
  • Those that have exchanged
  • Planning application submissions that have been proposed, approved or denied 

We can also provide:

  • Mobile advertising campaigns based on this data
  • Direct mail campaigns based on this data