HH Business Finance Limited


HH Business Finance is dedicated to supporting self-storage businesses with tailored financial solutions. Our commitment to offering a simple, flexible, and personalised service sets us apart. With a team boasting over 100 years of experience in commercial finance, we understand the unique needs of self-storage businesses.

Specifically designed for SSA members, our finance solutions for self-storage businesses include flexible terms, competitive rates, and a hassle-free process for accessing finance. Whether you're seeking financing for new container acquisitions, expansion projects for new sites, or refinancing existing containers to release tied-up cash - we are here to help.

We also collaborate with container suppliers, extending HH’s finance offering to your clients. By providing a finance option at the point of sale, we aim to not only enhance their customer experience but also to significantly boost your sales. This approach transforms the acquisition of containers into manageable monthly payments, easing the financial burden of a large upfront cash payment and increasing the size of your target market. It's not just about selling containers; it's about facilitating a seamless and affordable journey for businesses to acquire the storage solutions they need.