Aged under 40? - You are the future of this industry.

(Aged over 40, please do not be offended, it is your time right now – get busy doing!) Great, that has weeded out all the older readers, it is just us now. Let’s talk about the Young Storage Network.

Have you thought about the future? Not sci-fi, talking to your hoover, printing food, flying cars, future. No. I mean your future in self storage. Well, if you have not - let me paint you a picture. Imagine you got that next sale, you made another customer happy, you got that promotion, you got that bonus, you got that pay rise, you are really happy and…

….back to reality please. What I am suggesting is that your future in this industry is something just a few steps away from where you are now, you control it, and you can make it happen.

But, you ask, “how can I make sure it happens?”…sorry I only have 500 words. But I do know that you have a better chance if you join a group of like-minded people, who discuss, learn, innovate, solve problems and generally have a good time together.

The Young Storage Network is a place (soon to be an in-person place!) where you can see the faces of these like-minded people. Where you can chat with a great group of people at all different stages of their self storage careers. These people are happy to help, happy to teach and happy to share… I can tell that you are about to become one of them.

If you have read this far then well done, if you want to know more then join the Young Storage Network now. The next meeting is scheduled for: 24 August. Become a YSN member now, It is free and will only take up as much time as you want it to – join now by filling in the application form - click here

The YSN offers you:

• A space to meet others in the industry

• A network of like-minded people to learn from and share with

• A fresh perspective on your (self storage related) problems

• YSN Accreditation (Coming Soon) Join NOW to be part of that. Do not miss out. You will be 40 sooner than you think.

Tom Lampard - Director of Acquisitions – Lok’nStore Age 39