Security is a crucial consideration for your business, but it goes beyond the physical facility, gates, locks, etc.  With criminals continuing to target self storage, it is more important than ever to evaluate how good your security really is.  Good security enhances everyone’s safety, prevents incidents, protects your property and customers’ goods, supports you in an emergency, defends critical data from hackers and other cyber security threats, and keeps you updated and compliant.

Chaired by Ant Hebblethwaite from DSOC, join us for this session where we will take you through the ultimate checklist for self storage to help you assess, improve, and plan your security strategy.  Ant will be joined by Tom Broadbent from All Things Fire & Security and Helen Bourke from the SSA UK.

We will be covering:

  • Physical sites – audits, CCTV, AVA, access control, perimeter security/lighting, guards, alarms, and monitoring and compliance
  • Fire Safety – assessments, evacuation plans, detection systems, extinguishers and audits
  • Emergencies – threats, communications and response protocols
  • Break-ins – documenting, police, insurance, customer notification, protocol reviews
  • Customers – suspicious behaviour, ID checking, tailgating, key control
  • Staff/Employees – awareness training, vetting, vigilance, solo working
  • Cyber – protection, threats, confidentiality, software, and firmware



Tom Broadbent

Tom Broadbent

All Things Fire & Security

Since its inception in 2014 originally as All Things Fire, All Things Fire & Security has gone from strength to strength. Tom is the Security Director for All Things Fire & Security and has over 20 years of security knowledge and experience not just electronic security but manned and physical too after successfully completing a counter terrorism qualification in 2017. Tom has looked after many national and international customers in his career covering Self Storage, High Street Retails, Football Stadiums and many others. Tom’s passion for innovation and the best solution have helped drive All Things Fire & Security to growing force within the Security industry.

Helen Bourke

Helen Bourke

Operations Director

Helen is Operations Director at the Self Storage Association, taking up post in March 2019.  Previously, Helen was Director of Membership Services at the Association of Employment and Learning Providers, a not-for-profit, national membership organisation where she spent 8 years working across membership, communications and events. Prior to this, Helen spent 12 additional years in the education, learning and training sector and a number of years working within the corporate sector.

She is passionate about the ‘member’ journey, great customer service and communications.

Complimentary to all SSA UK and FEDESSA members.